Friday, February 6, 2009


Day Waterlily

Latin Name : Nymphaea NouchaliDescription : Aquatic plant with round, floating leaves split by a V-notch. These plants have underground stems which are firmly anchored to the mud under water by means of rather thick, spreading roots. The rhizome (underground stem) is 4 - 5 cm in diameter, black in colour and rather spongy. The leaves float on long, spongy stalks and are round with a deep notch or cut from the centre to the outer edge. The large flowers are carried on long stalks just above the surface of the water and may be white, yellow, blue or pink in colour and open only in sunshine, close at night and re-open the following morning. They have many pointed petals and are also scented. There are about 60 species of Waterlilies, but only one species is in South Africa, namely the Day Waterlily. Waterlilies are very showy plants.Habitat : Occurs in pans, dams and pools in slow-flowing rivers. Grows in all provinces and also the Kruger National Park.Fruit : After they have been pollinated by bees or beetles, the flowers are drawn back under water where the seeds ripen. The ripe seeds float and are dispersed by water currents. They rise to the surface, float for a while, and finally sink into the mud, where they germinate.


Latin Name : Scaevola plumieriHabitat : Stabilises shifting sands with its extensive roots, building small hillocks. The thick waxy layer on its leaves reduces water loss.
Description : A small, evergreen, woody shrub with clusters of tough, waxy, oval leaves. Flowers small, white, fan-shaped. Fruits small and berry-like, purple when ripe. Size: Leaves 40 mm, shrub 1 m tall. Similar Species: Salsola nollothensis (Port Nolloth northwards) is the most important creator of hummock dunes on the arid Namibian coast. Confronted with water shortage, salt spray, heat and shifting sands, it has a tough, woody stem with pink twigs, and tiny, tightly-packed, silvery leaves.

Sea Pumpkin

Latin Name : Arctotheca populifoliaHabitat : A common occupant of coastal foredunes which forms small hummocks. The hairs on its leaves are a means of reducing desiccation.
Description : Stem thick, leaves either simple and oval-shaped or lobed, coated with white hairs that give the leaves a grey colour. Flowers daisy-like with a rim of pale yellow florets. Size: Leaves 30 mm wide, flowers 25 mm.

Sprawling Duneweed

Latin Name : Tetragonia fructicosaHabitat : An abundant coloniser of foredunes. Its stem, leaves and fruit are covered with turgid, swollen cells that give the plant a glistening appearance and may help reduce water loss.Fruit : Fruit four winged. Size: 20 mm.
Description : A sprawling, prostrate plant with a red stem. Leaves succulent, flat, oval. Flowers tiny, with a crown of yellow stamens. Size: Leaves 20 mm long. Related Species: Tetragonia decumbens is similar but has smaller, three-winged fruit.

Mint Flower

Mint is a wild grass plant with a hollow stem of 10-30 cm tall. It has small leaves and strong fragrance green flowers.

Strawberry and Mulberry Flower

Strawberry is a creeping grassy and long-life plant. Its bright green leaves touches hard. It has numerous flowers and medium to large size fruits that tend to be oval or conical. It is useful in increasing urine and purifying blood. On the other hand, mulberry is a wild tree that grows up to 8-15 m tall. Its leaves touch hard and are used to feed silk worms. It has delicious fruits.